I remember watching the Khans at the Democratic convention. Ms. Khan was indeed correct: I felt and shared her pain without her needing to say a word. And I too wish you'd been right, that Americans never would've voted for him nor allowed him to cheat his way into the presidency. But here we are.

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I do not talk about politics in my books/reading newsletter because I want it to be a drama-free, fun newsletter to read. There are so many other places on the internet that I follow politics, but I rarely comment as you never know what the response will be. The way people attack each other behind their screens is horrible. I used to say, "if you wouldn't say that to a person's face, why would you say it online," but this doesn't hold true anymore. Some people say anything, and they just don't care. I agree with you on not understanding the climate that gave us Trump, and now all his minions, and I don't see us getting past this any time soon as very few are willing to stand up to any/all of this, and when they do, they are eviscerated.

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